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tv   [untitled]    December 6, 2012 7:30pm-8:00pm PST

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. >> we left off on items scene
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a and b and i believe a continuance is become requested. >> if you so choose, i ask for recusal because it's chem i work nor some time ago. >> i move to recuse. commissioners on thely cuesal commissioner sag guya and ant knee 90 and so moved commissioners that motion mass passes unanimously and on the consideration for continuance commissioner border. i move to
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continue project scene a and b 16 and for dean 18th. i would like to know why we are have a continuance because we considered it later on in the meeting. >> we didn't know we had so few people. >> oh, i see. yeah, this is a discretion dictionary, yeah, this is a d r right and it's a probability sponsor that is requesting continue whatever they want you know d r's work the other way around. >> do we feed to fake public comment. >> public comment on the continuance, yeah why don't we take public comment on continuance, can i say i have been waiting all day long on this. >> please speak into the milk.
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>> can you state your name for the record. jennifer i live next door to 422 and i'm here to represent myself and my family we own the house and have been living there for eight years and we would like too move forward to review this. it would scheduled for november 8 and i came out that day and i spent a whole half day waiting for this and we had several vills that were here and one has left already because they could not wait any local longer and so if you can please review this today. >> my name is scott and i'm the city attorney for the project sponsor the reason we are asking for continuance is because we only have commissioners left and i'm worried that we will have a steal mate situation here if we
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don't have full agreement by the commission on the motion that is being made and we could have to go through the whole hearing and have to come back again anyway and which don't have any objection to the commission hearing for the folk that is cannot come back but; we think that is it's important to be heard by the full commission. >> thank you any further public comment on the continuance? >> student: my name is daniel mccarthy and i also live across the street from four uniand i have problems coming back and also keep coming back with other neighbors and we want to see the commission follow through on what we think is the plans department rs recommendation and get this thing done and so we would like to see it happen tonight.
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>> thank you. mime name is jill and i live next door to the most and i have been here all day as you have to just have to come back and sit through it again and we have sat and listened through the large buildings and large projects and i really would appreciate if you would keep the meeting going tonight. thank you. >> thank you. >> seeing no further public comment, public comment is closed commissioner antonini. >> well i'm certainly fine with hearing it want to but if we can't there is always a chance that we can be continued if we don't hear it at all tonight there is no chance that it will be resolved tonight and so that is up to the project sponsors and others involved if
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they want to go through with it. >> one option is we could take i guess you have to call the item and say public comment and say that is the only other option i think we have and but, i understand people's desire who have been waiting here all day and unfortunately that has happened on occasion and you know, there is unfortunately not a certainty of a particular time when a project is heard, i do encourage you may not know this but i do encourage members of public, we are televised and you can find us on s f governor to have come and i'll tell you to follow the items and you cannot predict the length of the items but you can see the progression a little bit because i know it's hard to give up an entire day the question that i have for people here would you be onerous if you knew it was
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next week and would it be importantly for the people to come back. i agree, we apologize that this haps but i think, we will go ahead and call the question to what the commissioners want to do. >> commissioners continuance for the one week on the 18th. >> antonini no , borden eye, moore, aye, commissioner chair wu that mission fails commissioners. i'm sorry -- continuance because it's a majority i apologize so that hogs passes three to one with commissioner antonini voting against.. >> commissioners that will place you on your last calendar items we need to here from the drench yes because it was
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continued at this later hour we can put it later on the calendar next week and we can actually make it time specific as well and make all of the d r's time specific, that will be helpful and i timely think that let's go ahead and make this d r time specific that doesn't need to be other d r's as well. and other items -- the calendar -- [indistinguishable; everybody is talking at the same time]. understood then this will be the first item on the recognize calendar next week. okay and commissioner you are on your last recognizingly schedule calendar item 8.747 d. for 1830 to lead the way request
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discretionary review and this has been heard a couple of times and the public hearing does remain open. okay so d r requestor has five minutes is that right? i believe they have made their presentation and so we can may be get a quick staff report unless there are questions from the commissioners. >> good evening commissioners department staff and you may recall this project was previously heard before you and with some suggestions specifically by commissioner sagaa to eliminate the roof deck and work with some of the neighbors to resolve some of the issues and since that type commissioner antonini has worked with staff and of the light on the upper floor is larger and the an open rail is being provide today provide access to
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adjacent neighborhood and light wls have been added to reduce light to the homes and so i'm available available to answer questions if you would like. >> any requesters. >> thank you commissioner antonini for helping us reach an agreement and the probability sponsor and i have come together and we have made some compromises and with your affirmative vote why favor of your plan that have been submitted, we are okay with the prompt. that is the right termology. thank you.. >> owner of 2838 i want to say again thanks to commissioner antonini for all of the time he spent visiting with the probability and to come to an agreement. >> seeing no further public
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comment, public comment is closed, commissioner antonini thank you both d r requester and project sponsor for cooperating and i wish we could have more senilitied this way and yeah, i'm going to prove to not take d r and and approve the project as presented. >> commissioners on that motion to -- commissioner sag guya? yeah, first of all,, i thank everybody for trying too work this out but it doesn't address the issue that i had in mind and so i'm going vote no. >> commissioners on the motion to not take d r and approve the project commissioner antonini aye. >> commissioner moore eye.
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>> commissioner sag guya no. >> commissioner chair wu no. well that motion fails and the project just moves on the project still gets approved it's just not going to be a firmed by the planling commission. commissioners you are snow under public comment i have no pun speaker cards. >> seeing no public comment, meeting is adjourned.
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>> welcome. we are here doing our building san francisco tour. we're going to have a very interesting tour of elevators in sanford cisco. we have all gotten into an elevator, the doors have closed, and it has carried us to our destination. have you ever wondered how elevators were -- work? we check out the need outside the elevator using current technology and we learn about the latest destination elevated technology all here in san francisco. we will also visit the machinery where all the behind- the-scenes gears control these incredible machines.
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we are very fortunate today to have an expert with those who is going to walk us are around elevators in san francisco. can you tell us about the history of elevators in san francisco? the measure -- >> sure. the history of elevator technology evolves with the city. first elevators were installed for moving materials in the 1860's. in the 1870's, the first passenger elevator was installed, and that allowed building heights to go up to about seven floors. starting in the 18 eighties, 1890's, the first electric elevators were installed. that allowed for buildings to go up even higher, even more than 10 floors, and those were the first elevators that became representative of what we consider modern elevators today. >> so the height of buildings is related to elevator technology. >> both of these technologies
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encourage architects to build taller buildings. engineering and materials science provided a higher quality of steel to build with, and having passenger elevators meant it was the necessary anymore to climb a long flight of stairs to get to the top of the building. the elevator made the upper floors of the building more attractive than they were before. >> here we were at the historic st. francis hotel, which was actually a representation of the evolution of elevators. can you tell us more about san francisco history here at the st. francis? >> sure. st. francis demonstrates well the evolution of elevated technology. and substantially damaged the 1906 earthquake and rebuilt in 1907 or 1908, and extend it again in 1913. then a new tower was added in 1932, so there is all sorts of
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elevator technology you can see at the st. francis that very much represents the building history of san francisco. >> i understand there is a really old elevator still operating here. >> that is right, the elevator installed in the 1913 expansion. we can go look at that. >> let's go take a look. here we are in a spectacular st. francis lobby. here is the clock. when people say "meet me at the clock in the st. francis." let's look at that elevator. >> ok, let's do it. >> here we are in the elevator installed as part of the
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expansion, and this is the way it was originally installed about 100 years ago. it has a manual switch just like elevators did back then, and it runs on dc power. this was from a time before elevators ran on ac power. >> when did they switch? >> decided to switch in the 1920's, so this elevator predicts that by about 19 years. the doors are also manual, so this elevator predates the use of automatic doors on elevators. >> can we take a ride? >> absolutely. going down. >> how many troops do you think this elevator has taken in its lifetime? millions. >> yes, this one probably has. certainly hundreds of thousands. >> very smooth. >> it really does run smoothly.
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>> there we go. take some serious operation. there we go. >> this is really beautiful. >> this is served by that old elevator we were just in. >> built at the same time, also in 1913. >> what a gorgeous room. i think we should have a party here. >> that is a great idea. >> let's look at the machine room for that old elevator. >> ok, let's go. >> here we are in the machine room with all these wonderful, old, a burly, industrial-era equipment. tell us what we've got here. >> this is really the beginning of a modern elevator. what we would describe as an overhead traction-geared elevator. that type of elevator still exists. even though this was made in 1913, elevators like this have continued to be manufactured up until the present day. >> so overhead means these
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cables attached to the top of the car. >> correct, exactly right. >> our hoist machine is located overhead, and this is a traction machine, so it is an evolution beyond the winding from elevator. this is the drive ship. this is the gear box, and this is original from 1913. it is a heavy-duty design that we really do not see any more today. that is probably part of the reason why this elevator has already lasted close to 100 years. this is the break for the voice machine -- teh brake. >> we have the original controller here. fortunately, the power is turned off. >> this room was built in 1913, but the national elevator cut actually was not introduced until 1921. >> tell us about this antique controller. what makes it different from a modern controller?
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>> the elevator is running on the original d.c. power. really simple in operation. does not include a lot of the features we would have in an elevator today, automatic door operation, dispatching, push button operation. none of those features are present, but this is the original from 1913. on this side, we have all the relays that actually control the elevator. the safety service -- city circuit, position, speed, and control of the power to the motor. >> here is a really interesting piece of historic machinery. tell us about this. >> this is one of the main safety devices of the elevator system, and the device still exists today even on modern elevators. it detects if the elevator is going into unsafe over speed conditions. it is attached to the road itself, and the car over speeds,
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bees fly balls would come out, and the governor jobs would come out and grab on to the governor wrote, which would hold the break or the safety on the elevator to cause it to stop. >> if you have problems, i see right here, we call garfield 7171 for service. member that is right. operators standing by. >> from here, we are going to look at those wonderful elevators that go of the outside of the high rise building that everyone wants to take a ride in. >> let's go do that. >> here we are in the most exciting elevator in the city of san francisco. this is the outside elevator that goes into the 32nd floor. tell us about this. >> we are in one of the tower elevators now. these were originally installed in 1972. 1,000 feet a minute, outside observation elevators, so a great view of the city. some of the most popular elevators in san francisco, as
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you mentioned, and these cars run a lot. they run about 2000 starts per day. about 700,000 starts per year for an elevator like this, and these are pretty hard working. >> must be hard to maintain these elevators. mechanical devices in the rain. >> this is much more difficult to maintain. normal elevator installation is all sealed from the elements, but in this case, it is all exposed to the outside, so there are issues with whether proofing and sealing the equipment from the elements. >> the controls and motors are up here on the top floor. >> very simple -- similar to the elevators we looked at. this is similar to that technology. >> i saw a crowd of people downstairs waiting to take a ride on the elevated to get this fabulous view.
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that is a terrific view. >> yes, it is great. >> can you tell us about the history of the modern elevators? >> what we consider the modern elevator is the elevator with a safety device that was built in new york in 1853 in response to a freight elevator accident in new york city. until that time, elevators were quite common in buildings but typically used just for handling freight. elisha otis -- elijah otis successfully demonstrated the safety device he had created. even of the elevator and he cut the device, and he did not fall. everyone was impressed by that. in 1857, the oldest brother's company installed their first passenger elevator on broadway in new york.
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believe it or not, many of those first elevators were actually started and stopped by a hand broke. >> what drove those old elevators? what was their motive power? >> in some cases, they might have even been hp. >> and then changed to electric? >> electric cited to come in the 1890's, and that was around the time when the elevator stopped from material handling and started to be used more frequently for passengers. in 1878, there was a demonstration of the other thing that allowed architects to build taller buildings was the advent of a higher quality steel manufacturing. in 19003, the first production year track models were introduced, that it was when things took off. things took off. >> that mostly happened in new